The Word “CHRISTMAS” is formed of Christ plus Mass. meaning a mass of religious services in commemoration of the birth of Christ. It is celebrated by Roman Catholics and Protestants on December 25th. Eastern Orthodox Churches celebrate it on January 6th and the Armenian Church on January 19th (New Compact Bible Dictionary p.108). Those who celebrate Christmas are divided on the date Christ was born. Why? THE ORIGIN OF CHRISTMAS It was first celebrated in December 25th in the time of Constantine about A.D. 325 as the birth of Christ. Pagan Rome was celebrating Saturnalia which was the birth of the invincible sun or sol in December 25th. According to religious writers and historians, there were superstition panics among the sol worshipers for fear that their sun god was dying. They lit bonfires and burned candles to awake this god. December was the main month of this pagan celebration. It was alleged that sol began to regain his strength from December 21st to 25th. The word “CHRI...